Rick Adams — Red's Recycle-O-Rama

April 21, 2020 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Update: Due to the COVID-19 public health emergency, this program has been postponed. Updates will be posted online. Sign up here to receive email notices about future family programs.

Assisted by Rusty, the recycled and recycling dog, Red uses storytelling, magic, juggling, hand shadows, original songs and fun-loving tips on how and why to recycle, reuse, and reduce. Join in and explore creative and concrete ways that your home and community can become more planet-friendly.

How to Attend

Please note that in order to optimize your comfort and enjoyment, reservations are required for all visitors to this free program. Register below or call 617-514-1644 and leave a detailed message. All large groups must speak with a staff member a week in advance to ensure that there will be adequate seating. Children are seated on a carpeted floor with their caretakers and space is available on a first come, first served basis. Children must be accompanied by an adult.



With generous support from Martin Richard Foundation and the Massachusetts Cultural Council.